OC Database – ACE

NameTrevor Tatton
Date of Birth18th September
Gallery of Artwork
Full reference sheet (2021-04-07)
Shoe reference sheet (2021-04-07)
Tatts with his Toyota Avensis (2021-10-03)
Bedhead (2020-08-27)

The main character of ACE.

Tatts is a pretty average teen boy. He is quiet, clumsy and somewhat reserved, not speaking all that much. While he is generally well mannered and has a good temper, he can be stubborn. He is a massive fan of cars and racing games, having gotten very good at racing games due to playing them through the night when he can’t sleep because of his insomnia. He can come across as spacey and “out of it” due to being chronically tired. He answers most things with grunts if he can. He always wears clothing that is way too large for him.

He works as a “Data Processor and Administrator” at Hopson Motor Group, a job he got through his dad. He lives alone in a small bedsit his dad also helped him find. His car is a mica green Toyota Avensis that his dad gave him to be his daily driver.

NameChoujirou Kaneko
Date of Birth7th October
Gallery of Artwork
Full reference (2020-06-06)

A supporting character from ACE.

Choujirou Kaneko is a Japanese man who works for the same company as Tatts, though nobody is entirely sure what he does there. He has a huge crush on a female co-worker there and is 100% convinced that Tatts is gunning for her, so doesn’t like him very much. He owns a white Skoda Estelle that he treasures and calls Sokudo, even though it’s falling apart at the seams.

He has a younger twin brother called Chuuichi who still lives in Japan.