DGiacomo – Chapter 0039 – Anonymous asked: OOC: I’ve cracked the code. You’ve said this is an ask driven story blog, and I’ve figured out the story-…
André Arcanine Art Campino Caramel Champion Cleveland Champion Randy Champion Senn Chat Christmas Dante Duster Egg Elvira Eri Frostario Giacomo Giacomo Body Pillow Halloween Houndoom José Krookodile Leonor Mabosstiff Magic Anon Magic Anon (Giacomosé) Magic Anon (Return of the Bullied) Mela Meowscarada Morelull Morpeko Ortega Ortega Chew Toy Penny Probopass Ben Puff Quaquaval Question Rico Rossa Scorbunny Skeledirge Turtonator Turty Twinkomo